pantone color


Pantone color is the most well-known color standard guide in the world. They have offered many different types of color guides for different materials, usage, and industries. Such as the TCX system for textiles and TPG for pigments and coatings The color system suitable for our industry is Pantone Matching System (PMS) which is for graphic using. You may confuse when you have offered the Pantone number to us, why we still ask you to offer Pantone color in PMS, that it because the Pantone color you have offered is not the same system as we used in our production.

pantone color
pantone color
pantone color


The color of brand is designed and unique. Each color may have its meaning and representation, thus presenting correct colors to people is so important. For example, when we talk about Tiffany, Ferrari, BMW…etc. the colors indeed mean something for the logo. Only the right color can transfer the sprits of the brands.

There are 1,000 ways for 1,000 people to interpret one color. When we say navy blue, it may represent a distinctly different color to different people. Pantone Color allows you to have a globally recognized language to accurately communicate your color needs.

Can you judge which one is the NAVY BLUE?

The color of brand is designed and unique. Each color may have its meaning and representation. Thus, to present correct colors to people is so important. For example, when we talk about Tiffany, Ferrari, BMW…etc.

The color of brand is designed and unique. Each color may have its meaning and representation. Thus, to present correct colors to people is so important. For example, when we talk about Tiffany, Ferrari, BMW…etc.

The color of brand is designed and unique. Each color may have its meaning and representation. Thus, to present correct colors to people is so important. For example, when we talk about Tiffany, Ferrari, BMW…etc.


We have talked about a lot of the advantages of Pantone color, but why still the products have color difference? The common color difference reasons are as below:

1.Hand-made mixing color

All the colors are mixed by hand and it will definitely need tolerance for color mixing. The standard color tolerance is +/-10%.

2.Comparing color on screen (not physical color chart)

If you chose a color and check it from different monitors no matter from PC, Pad, or mobile phone, it will have color differences. Difference devices bring to different color present, therefore it is very important to aware that do not compare colors from monitor.

The same product will show different colors on different devices.

color difference-1
color difference


If you do not have pantone color chart in your hand, you may check our website Pantone Colors to find out a suitable pantone color number. Or you can send us your physical sample, and we will try to find the closest pantone color number according to your it for your reference.

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